[婚禮小建議] 75個婚禮的小建議 (part 1)
75年以來, Alfred Angelo 一直幫助新娘們圓夢, 現在 Alfred Angelo 想要跟各位新娘們分享他們多年累積下來的專業心得.
所有你該知道的婚紗資訊 1. 購買婚紗應該是你最重要該做的事情之一. 因為一件婚紗需要好幾個月的製作時間, 所以提早去選購, 才能給自己足夠的時間去找到喜歡的婚紗. 2. 在這個凡事都要自己來的世界裡, 你或許會對於婚紗服務界對你專注的關心跟全服務而感到很驚喜. 請盡量享受! 購買婚紗事件很重要的事情, 而整個過程應該你也應該有得到相同的感受. 3. 試穿的婚紗尺寸數字通常會跟你外面買衣服的尺寸來的小. 如果你買的婚紗尺寸比你平常穿的尺寸大上一~兩號, 別緊張!(*註一) 4. 印出你喜歡的婚紗款式. 這會幫助婚紗專家了解你的喜好. 5. 人給建議是很好的. 帶一~兩個你信任的朋友或者家人跟你一起去選購婚紗. 但是記得, 越多並不代表是越好的! 當你帶了太多人一起去選購婚紗時, 很容易會有太多不同的意見. 6. 購買婚紗時, 別忘了帶數位相機, 還有一位能替你把每件試穿婚紗記下重點的朋友. 7. 盡量問問題. 你不會是第一個人也不會是最後一個有問題想請教專家的! 8. 如果你要購買一件無肩帶的婚紗, 別忘了穿一件無肩帶的胸罩. 這會幫助試穿過程, 而且能幫助你知道這些無肩帶婚紗穿在身上會看起來像什麼樣子. (*註二) 9. 不要跟著潮流走. 選擇適合自己風格跟體型的婚紗. 10. 別忘了試穿你夢想中的婚紗, 但也應該試穿你平常不會嘗試的風格. 別鐵齒! ; ) 11. 如果你擔心自己會在婚前增胖, 那選擇後面用綁的 (laced-up back) 婚紗吧! 這種婚紗不但美麗而且對任何體型 (以及突而其來的增肥) 都蠻恭維的. 12. 婚紗的質料也是很重要的. 雪紡(chiffon)適合給在氣候比較暖時結婚的新娘們, 而如果你是選擇冬天結婚的話, 最好選擇厚一點的質料. 13. 購買婚紗時最好選擇一兼有提供修改服務的婚紗業者, 或者是她們能建議一位值得信任的裁縫. 婚紗業者應該是對修改婚紗這事相當有經驗的. For 75 years, Alfred Angelo has
been helping brides have the day of their dreams and now we want to
share our best tips with you. All about your dress 1. Gown shopping should be a priority on your ‘to do’ list. It takes months to make your dress, so give yourself plenty of time. 2. In our "do it yourself" world, you may be surprised by the high
level of attention and care you will receive when shopping at a
full-service bridal salon. Enjoy it! This is an important purchase and
it should feel like it. 3. Wedding gowns tend to run small in size. You will probably need a
gown that is a size or two larger than you are accustomed to buying. Do
not panic! 4. When starting to shop, print out pictures of gowns that you like.
This will help you explain to your bridal specialist what your perfect
dress looks like. 5. It’s nice to have a second opinion. Bring one or two trusted
friends or family members to shop with you for added support. Also
remember, more is NOT merrier. Bringing too many people with you can
get confusing. Everyone has an opinion! 6. Bring along a digital camera and have a friend take notes while you shop, to help you remember each gown. 7. Ask as many questions as you want, no matter what! You won't be
the first person to ask and you definitely won't be the last. Depend on
your experts! 8. If you're shopping for a strapless gown, make sure you bring a
strapless bra to use while trying on. It will help give you a better
idea of what the gown would look like. 9. Don’t be swayed by trends. Choose a gown that’s true to your style and your body. 10. Always try on your dream dress, but also try on styles you
normally would not. You never know what will strike you and fully
enhance the beauty that you are. 11. If you’re worried about a little last minute weight gain, choose
a dress with a lace-up back. This is a gorgeous way to have a more
forgiving and figure flattering dress. 12. The fabric of your gown needs to be one of the factors in making
it ‘the one’. Lightweight fabrics like chiffon are the best choice for
warm-weather weddings. If your nuptials will be in wintery-weather
consider heavier fabrics. 13. Find a bridal shop that offers full alteration services or can
recommend a seamstress they trust. They should be experienced in
altering the gowns they sell.以下是原文:
75 Wedding Tips