[婚 禮小建議] 75個婚禮的小建議 (part 4)



75年以來, Alfred Angelo 一直幫助新娘們圓夢, 現在 Alfred Angelo  想 要跟各位新娘們分享他們多年累積下來的專業心得.

Protecting your Dress

36. 在把婚紗裝進衣罩 (garment bag) 前, 別忘了使用發泡衣架 (padded hanger) 來掛你的婚紗


37. 把要運送的伴娘服都放進衣罩裡. 又, 穿上婚紗應該是你要踏上紅地毯前所做的最後一件事情


38. 確定你要換上婚紗的地方是沒有任何東西會弄髒婚紗的. 如果你在婚禮前需要喝點咖啡因類的飲品, 也無所謂, 但不要在婚紗附近喝!


39. 不要在你婚禮前心血來才潮突然把婚紗送去乾洗


40. 婚禮當天攜帶一隻白粉筆, 那可以幫你遮掩婚紗上的小污點


41. 永遠在蒸或燙衣物前, 先檢查衣服上的標前指示


42. 燙你的婚紗時, 應從上到下; 通常蒸氣機 (steamer) 對婚紗的主要部分比較有效


43. 隨手準備一個噴霧器 (spray bottle)  對付小皺紋. 輕地在皺的區域噴一下然後用吹風機吹乾, 吹平皺的地方.


44. 如果你決定要戴面紗 (veil), 廁所是最好能解決面紗皺折問題的地方: 把 veil 掛在衣架上, 然後掛在 shower rod 的外頭, 打開連澎頭的熱水, 大略15-20分鐘以製造出蒸氣. 蒸氣能很輕易的解決veil上的皺折.


45. 輕輕的在面紗 (veil) 上噴上一層髮膠能夠幫助它停留在同一個位置.


46. 如果你的婚紗裙擺是長托地式的, 考慮修改時加上裙撐 (bustle; 可把長裙擺掛上後擺). 這會讓你的婚紗有一個獨特的風格, 也能避免裙擺在宴會的時候一直拖地.


47. 別忘了跟你的花藝專家(florist) 討論你的捧花. 有些花帶有花粉, 可能會弄髒你的婚紗.


48. 結婚當天的天氣不好嗎?沒問題,要下車時, 請你的伴娘群們撐著雨傘站兩排, 快速從雨傘下走過並走入建築物... 婚紗會濕的機率就小了


49. 婚禮之後盡快乾洗你的婚紗能去除烏渍, 但是如果你把婚紗交給一個專門保存婚紗的公司 (gown preservation company), 她們不但會替你去除烏漬, 幫你上保持顏色(婚紗才不會變黃)的程序, 還有保護布料不會退化的程序, 所以你的婚紗能夠傳給後代, 也能是一件令你懷舊的重要衣物.



Protecting your Dress

36. Use a padded hanger to hang your dress before it goes into a garment bag.

37. Transport your bridal party's dresses in garment bags. No need to hurry into your gown; it should be the last thing you put on before heading down the aisle.

38. Make sure your dressing area is free of anything that could stain the dress. If you need a caffeine pick-me-up before the ceremony, drink upÖ but nowhere near your dress!

39. Don’t dry clean your gown before the ceremony; you don’t want to risk any mistakes.

40. Carry a stick of white chalk with you on the day of the ceremony to cover any spots that may get on your gown.

41. Always check care instructions before steaming or ironing.

42. Iron your gown from the top to bottom; a steamer works better for the body of some gowns

43. Keep a spray bottle handy for small wrinkles. Spray the area lightly and use a hairdryer to dry the area wrinkle free.

44. If you decide to wear a veil, the bathroom is the best place to get out the wrinkles: Hang the veil on a hanger outside the shower rod, run the shower for 15-20 minutes to create steam. The steam will easily loosen up the wrinkles.

45. Lightly mist your veil with hairspray to keep it in place and off your face.

46. If your gown has a train, consider an alteration to create a bustle. This will give your gown a unique style and keep it from dragging on the floor during the reception.

47. Remember to talk to your florist about your bouquet. Some flowers have pollen that could stain your gown.

48. A little bad weather on the big day? No problem. Have your bridal party stand in two lines with large umbrellas and dash down the sidewalk fully protected.

49. Dry cleaning your gown after the ceremony may remove stains and spots but using a gown preservation company will remove spots, treat against discoloration and protect from fabric deterioration so that your gown can be passed on or perfectly saved as your most important piece of nostalgia.


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