
[婚 禮小建議] 75個婚禮的小建議 (part 5)


75年以來, Alfred Angelo 一直幫助新娘們圓夢, 現在 Alfred Angelo  想 要跟各位新娘們分享他們多年累積下來的專業心得.

From hair to shoes and everywhere in between

50. 你的手會在這天扮演很重的角色. 不管是敬酒或者是拍手戴戒指的照片, 小小享受一下請專業人士替你修剪指甲, 你決對不會後悔的!


51. 選擇經典的法式指甲 (classic French) 或者美式指甲 (American Manicure). 任何有特殊顏色的美指甲都容易退流行, 反而會讓照片看起來過時.


52. 你應該在婚禮幾個星期前諮詢你的的髮型師. 大部分的髮型師都不會為這諮詢收費. ( 但是試髮型 (trail) 是要收費的! )


53. 當你要去見你的髮型師時, 別忘了帶你的髮飾, 面紗, 或任何你想要放在頭髮上的東西. 這對髮型師來講是很重要的資訊.


54. 髮型諮詢時, 別忘了帶一些你喜歡的新娘髮型照片. 還有, 帶有你婚紗跟伴娘禮服的照片. 這能幫助髮型師更有靈感!


55. 除非你的造型師要你去見她時先洗頭髮, 否則千萬不要洗頭髮! 你會需要頭髮裡頭自然的油脂來替你營造最棒的髮型.


56. 如果你計劃在宴會時要把面紗拿下, 別忘了告訴你的髮型師! 她能幫你設計一個造型能夠考慮到兩個樣子(有面紗或沒面紗)


57. 結婚當天, 穿一件紐扣式的襯衫 (button-down shirt), 這樣一來你可以輕易脫下上衣而不會破壞髮型. 


58. 看起來膚色太白? 不如使用仿曬膏(self-tanner)... 請教有經驗的朋友, 看看她們會推薦什麼


59. 如果你自己使用仿曬膏, 別忘了使用手套! 你結婚的大日子不需要橘色的手指!


60. 任何仿曬膏都會讓你的膚色看起來比較深點. 記得要買新的粉底來配合你新的膚色.


61. 你希望你的化妝能看起來完美, 但是你也會希望看起來像自己! 簡單的化妝是最好的!


62. 請其中一個女儐相隨身攜帶一個 "美容急救小包" 跟一面小鏡子.


63. 沒有請化妝師的預算又希望有美麗的妝? 百貨公司常有免費的化妝諮詢, 通常化妝師們也會教你如何上你的妝.


64. 口紅很容易一下子就不見了. 選擇不會掉口紅的配方 (no-rub off formula) 能夠讓你一整天都不用補口紅!


65. 臉容易出油? 請伴娘隨身攜帶吸油面紙 (blotting papers) 跟粉餅 (light powder).


66. 別忘了選擇防水睫毛膏


67. 自己化眼妝嗎? 使用一個大刷子, 在你的眼底下刷上一些粉狀的粉底. 可以預防沒服貼的眼妝掉在臉上會花了臉. 


68. 在室外舉辦婚禮嗎? 別忘了防曬. 又, 不妨把防曬乳液當作謝客禮送給來參加婚禮的賓客.


69. 如果你要拍一些黑白照, 記得稍微化略為深一點顏色的妝. 淺顏色的妝在黑白照上效果不好.


70. 飾品的樣式應該跟你的婚紗有關. 無肩帶的婚紗應該配上典雅的耳環- 才不會搶去脖子線條的風采. 如果是 V-neck 婚紗, 配上項鍊反而是最完美的選擇. 又, 露肩+背式 (halter gown)應該搭上有珠寶的髮飾 (jeweled hairpins).


71. 在選飾品的時候, 別忘了考量你婚紗的顏色. 珍珠或者白金的珠寶最適合白婚紗, 金色則最適合象牙白的婚紗.


72. 鞋子有點緊? 通常皮鞋都能撐大. 拿沾了酒精的棉花擦拭你鞋子的內側, 然後穿上鞋子, 鞋子就會跟著你的腳型稍微撐鬆點... 持續同樣的動作直到鞋子讓你的腳感到舒適.


73. 穿高跟鞋嗎? 別忘了在你最重要那天來臨前練習穿高跟鞋走路. 有自信是最踏上紅毯的重要的一個關鍵.


74. 你或許會想考慮準備兩雙鞋子. 一雙是婚禮跟拍照片時用的, 另外準備一雙舒適的鞋子在你宴會上盡情狂歡跳舞時用.


75. 在柏油路上來回摩擦你的新鞋, 讓你的鞋底粗糙些. 這樣可以確保你鞋子有足夠的摩擦力走紅毯, 才不會容易跌倒.



From hair to shoes and everywhere in between

50. Your hands will be a big part of the day. Whether it is the champagne toast or posing for ring pictures, splurge on the professional manicure. You won't regret it!

51. Go with the classic French or American Manicure. Color trends for manicures change quickly and will make your photos look dated.

52. Set up a consultation with your hair stylist a few weeks before your wedding. Most stylists will meet with you for free.

53. Bring your headpiece, veil or anything you plan to wear in your hair. This will be critical information that the stylist will need.

54. Bring some pictures of updos that you like to your hair consultation. Also, bring along a picture of your gown and bridesmaids’ dresses. This could give her a little more inspiration!

55. Do not wash your hair before you go to the stylist unless she asks you to. You will need the natural oils in your hair to help get the best updo.

56. If you're going to take off your veil at the reception, remember to tell your hair stylist. She can design a style that will accommodate both looks.

57. On the big day, wear a button-down shirt that you can easily remove after your appointment. This will make sure your hair is not disturbed.

58. A little pale for the season? Go with a nice self tanner-- ask your friends for what they recommend.

59. If you go for self tanning, make sure you use plastic gloves! No need for orange fingers on your big day!

60. Any type of tanning will make your skin color deeper. Remember to get new foundation to match your tan.

61. You want your makeup to look perfect on your big day - but you also want to look like yourself! Keep makeup simple.

62. Watch your eye makeup. You may want to arm one of your bridesmaids with an emergency makeup bag complete with travel mirror. This will be perfect for quick touch ups.

63. Budget conscious on your makeup? Check out a department store and get a free make over. The sales person will also explain how to apply your makeup for the big day.

64. Lipstick can look great but is high maintenance because it rubs off quickly. Look for a no-rub off formula that will stay on the whole day. There are many drug store brands to choose from!

65. Shining star? Give your Maid of Honor a few blotting papers that are made to soak up any excess oil with a light powder.

66. If you cry at weddings, you will probably cry at your own. Make sure you invest in a good waterproof mascara.

67. Putting on your own eye makeup? With a big brush, dab a little loose powder under your eyes. This will catch any loose makeup that falls during application.

68. Getting married outside? Do not forget sunscreen. In fact, you may want to consider giving it as a cute favor for all your attendees.

69. If you're going to shoot some wedding pictures in black and white, remember to go a little darker in your makeup choices. Light makeup doesn't show up as well.

70. The type of jewelry you wear should depend on the style of your dress. Elegant earrings add to a strapless gown without taking away from the flattering neckline. With V-neck gowns, however, a necklace is the perfect choice. Jeweled hairpins are very flattering with a halter gown.

71. Always consider the color of your gown when selecting jewelry. Pearl and platinum jewelry best compliment a white gown while gold is best for an ivory gown.

72. Shoes a little too tight? Most leather shoes will stretch. Take a cotton ball dipped in rubbing alcohol and swab the inside of your shoe. Slip your foot into the shoe and it will stretch around your foot. Repeat until you're comfortable.

73. Going for heels? Make sure you practice walking in your shoes before the big day. Confidence is key when you're walking down the aisle.

74. You may want to consider getting two pairs of shoes for your big day. One pair for the ceremony and pictures and a comfy pair to dance the night away at your reception.

75. Scuff new shoes on the pavement to roughen up the soles. To make sure you have plenty of traction going down the aisle.


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